Department of mathematics
The department of mathematics is made up of a team of dedicated members who embrace team work in helping the girls achieve good grades in mathematics
The members of the department include;
- Christine Musindi -Principal
- Stephen Ogecha – Hod
- Bonface Okoth -Hos
- Dickson Nyang’ute
- Joseph Otieno
- Michael Akeyo
- Hanningtone Ochieng
The department has developed a raft or measures that have made the students developed positive attitude towards mathematics such measures include:
- Introduction of lunch time quizzes
- Introduction of mathematics extravaganza and mathematics day
- Joint examination with well-established schools
- Team teaching and development of lesson study
The department requests parent’s /guardians to buy their students the necessary mathematics equipment like:
- Oxford geometrical set
- Mathematical tables KNEC latest edition
- Scientific calculator FX 82 ES plus
- 30 cm transparent ruler
- Any other revision material
With these in place the girls will continue doing well and achieving better grades