Quality & Standards

Senior Master; Timothy Otieno Oburah. ( Quality and standards officer)

Greetings to you all. Welcome to Bishop Okoth Mbaga Secondary School, a school that focuses on being the centre of distinction in pursuit of education excellence. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive teaching, learning and talent nurturing environment through hard work, resilience and integrity.

The office of QUASO was created in the year 2017 with the specific brief to coordinate all the departments to ensure consistency in the curriculum implementation and evaluation practice outcomes. Some of the responsibilities of the office of QUASO include:

  • Monitoring the actualisation of educational aims, strategic goals, objectives and targets in all the six functions of the school
  • Undertake quality control and quality assurance of the school’s educational programs
  • Induct new teachers on quality control and quality assurance initiatives of the school
  • Supervise and guide teachers on teaching practice (T.P)
  • Coordinating and facilitating teachers to ensure that they comply with teaching standards in school (TPADS)
  • Assessing the progress of learners in terms of teaching and learning across the school
  • Monitoring and finding causes of poor performance in some subjects in school level
  • Coordinating learning and teaching activities in all departments
  • The office of QUASO endeavours to work with the rest of Bishop Okoth Mbaga girls school fraternity to the success of our students, Being able to shape the education and experience of our girls from the start of their secondary education and springboard them to the university and the rest of their lives in an extraordinary and opportunity and responsibility.
  • In conclusion am proud to state that the school has indeed produced ladies of substance and am humbled to be associated with privileged achievement